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Assembly Source File
186 lines
;---- args.asm ----------------------------------------------------------
; This file contains both an argument grabber and a simple heap.
; By: David Kirschbaum
; Args parses the command line into a unix-style parameter array.
; To use it, you should be a .COM program: that is,
; you must start your program as follows:
; code segment public 'CODE'
; assume CS:code,DS:code,ES:code
; extrn _Args:near,argc:word,argv:word ;argc & argv in CS:
; and end the file as follows:
; code ends
; end
; Link to your program with LINK YOURFILE,args; then EXE2BIN YOURFILE.
; Your program should start with an ORG 100H statement, and should
; CALL _Args to have it parse the cmdline.
; Argc and Argv are just as in C; argc = # of params on cmd line,
; argv is an array of pointers to strings (null terminated, of course).
; Because MS-DOS doesn't pass us the name used to invoke the program,
; argv[0] always points to a null string.
; _Shift updates ARGC.
; See the file \bin\asm\exist.asm for an example.
; Do not call NEW before calling _Args.
; Changes:
; 16 July 1984 DRK Copy args out of default location; fixed argv[0].
; 1 Aug 1984 DRK Added _Shift.
; 16 Oct 1984 MCN _Shift updates argc
; 21 Mar 1985 DRK oh yeah?
;Toad Hall Tweak
PUBLIC _Args,ARGC,ARGV,_Shift, New, Dispose
; Predeclared file handles
STDIN equ 0
STDOUT equ 1
STDERR equ 2
STDSIO equ 3
STDPRN equ 4
; Maximum number of parameters
; Declarations for accessing command line
NCHAR equ 80h ; address of number of chars in argument line
PARAMS equ 81h ; address of argument line
;---- code starts here --------------------------------------------------------
CSEG segment public 'CODE'
assume CS:CSEG,ds:CSEG
_Args proc near
call near ptr newinit
; initialize
cld ; clear decrement mode
mov bx, 2 ; argc = 0 (will sub 2 from bx at end)
mov argv[0], offset null ; prog name unknown; set to null.
mov si, PARAMS ; i = 0
mov di, NCHAR
mov cl, [di] ; cx = # of chars in command line
xor ch,ch
jcxz Done ; no arg chars -> we're done.
; Allocate room for arguments; returns pointer in BX.
push bx
push cx
mov cx, 128 ; worst case
call New
mov di, bx
pop cx
pop bx
; Move arguments out of default DTA.
push cx
push di
rep movsb
pop si
pop cx
;Toad Hall: When he's using redirection
;StdIn alone ("<") produces a command line length of 1 (space, CR)
;StdOut alone (">" : same result.
;StdIn and StdOut ("<wherever >wherever") produces a command line
;length of 2 (space, space, CR).
;A question mark alone would produce a command line length of 2
;(space, "?", CR).
; Big loop- find arguments...
; Little loop #1: strip leading blanks from argument.
; while (i<NCHAR && PARAMS[i] = ' ') do i++;
StripL: lodsb ; al = [si++]
cmp al, ' ' ; space?
loopz StripL ; if so, keep skipping.
jne GotOne ; If we found a nonblank, skip zero test.
jcxz Done ; found no unblank chars -> we're done.
GotOne: dec si ; bump SI back to start of nonblank.
inc cx
mov argv[bx],si ; save pointer to this string
; Little loop #2: skip nonblank chars.
; while (i<NCHAR && PARAMS[i] <> ' ') do i++;
SkipL: lodsb
cmp al, ' '
loopnz SkipL
jz OkY
; Last char of line was not blank.
inc si ; make next statement put null AFTER arg.
OkY: mov byte ptr [si][-1], 0 ; put null at end of arg
add bx,2 ; argc++;
jcxz Done ; if we ran off end of cmdline, no more args.
cmp bx, MAXPARMS*2
jb ParmL ; loop if argc < MAXPARMS.
Done: ; All done finding parms; now share argc with caller.
sub bx, 2
shr bx, 1
mov argc, bx
_Args endp
;---- _Shift: --------------------------------------------
; Shifts %2 to %1, %3 to %2, etc. Leaves %0 alone.
; Works by shuffling argv[*].
_Shift proc near
mov si, offset argv[4]
mov di, offset argv[2]
mov cx, MAXPARMS
rep movsw
; wrongo! Caller should do this...
; sub argc, 1 ; there is now one less argument
_Shift endp
;----- Newinit- initialize heap
Newinit proc near
mov CS:firstfree, offset lastcode
Newinit endp
; Given length in CX, returns pointer in BX.
; Does not affect CX.
New proc near
push cx
mov bx, CS:firstfree
add cx, CS:firstfree
mov CS:firstfree, cx
cmp sp, cx
pop cx
jbe Newerror
stackmsg db '?New: heap overflow', 7, 13, 10
SML equ Newerror - stackmsg
push cs
pop ds
mov dx, offset stackmsg
mov cx, SML
mov bx, STDERR
mov ah, 40h
int 21h
mov ax, 4c02h ; terminate- error code 2
int 21h
New endp
;---- Call Dispose with ptr in BX, length in CX.
Dispose proc near
Dispose endp
;------ Heap variables ------
firstfree dw ?
;---- parameter count, array ------------------------------------
; Pointers to up to MAXPARMS parameter strings are held here.
null dw 0 ; the null string
argc dw ?
argv dw MAXPARMS dup (?)
lastcode label near
CSEG ends